Monday, 8 December 2008

The Student press dives in...

The Edinburgh University Student has

weighed in
to Lilygate.


Listen to Lily...

Thanks to SkyNews you can now hear the very moment the law carried young Lily away...

You can hear the clipped accent of her
Godolphin and Latymer
education (£14,346 per annum fees,) as she is explaining her deluded attempt to save the planet.
There is only one thing worse than a hippy and that's a public school hippy wannabee.
And the icing on the cake? Well tonight Tory Bear is hearing unconfirmed reports from sources close to the greens at Edinburgh University about Miss Kember's choice of transport to get to the protest.
Surely there can't be any truth in the rumour she flew?

Lily Kember and EUSA Vs. Real Students

There has been wide spread outrage today in the fall out after the hippy invasion of Stansted Airport. As previously reported by Tory Bear, Edinburgh University anthropology student Lily Kember, (pictured right in her native state,) endangered lives and violated private property in a shameless and selfish act. 

Having speculated earlier about the response of Edinburgh University to the arrest of one of its students, TB got in touch with the press office who said that they could not comment on individual students but stressed that they are not mummies and a daddies. Apparently they will get back to TB if anything comes of this but he was told not to be surprised if nothing happens.

Christian May the deputy chairman of Conservative Future said earlier: "The simple truth is the protesters acted recklessly, dangerously and illegally. It says a lot about Edinburgh University that they are prepared to turn a blind eye to this criminal act. Some people need to be treated like children: point out that what they did was wrong, make them apologise, and then punish them. If we don't do this, then similarly unwashed uneducated reactionaries will continue to violate the laws with impunity."

And so Tory Bear turned to the esteemed Edinburgh University Student Association, an organisation dear to his heart and received a cutting response from the President Adam Ramsay, a member of the Green Party. Clever use of the environmental thorn in the Conservatives’ side:

"Last summer, recent Edinburgh graduate Iain Thom was arrested in China at the opening ceremony for the Olympics. His protest led to headlines reminding people around the world of China's appalling human rights record. Many students said they were proud of Iain Thom's bravery. I'm sure many will be proud of Lily Kember - the Edinburgh student arrested at Stansted today.

Lily follows in the footsteps of the leaders of most religious groups in Scotland (including the Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church in Scotland), many members of the Scottish government, and a substantial number of Edinburgh students and staff - all of whom have been arrested attempting to blockade Faslane Nuclear Weapons Base.

Earlier this year, potential Tory candidate and advisor to David Cameron, Zac Goldsmith, spoke in defence of Greenpeace activists charged with criminal assault at Kingsnorth Power Station.

He said: 'If a crime is intended to prevent much larger crimes, I think many people would regard that as justified.' The jury agreed with Zac Goldsmith, and the Greenpeace activists were let off.

Students around the world have a proud history of leading progressive change, and, sometimes, of putting their bodies on the line in doing so. BAA and the pro-flying lobby have near unprecedented access to this government. The communities affected by airport expansion are left out in the cold. This peaceful protest has helped to open up the debate. The number of people who had their flights delayed is minimal compared to the potential damage resulting from expanding Stansted. I think many students will concur with Zac Goldsmith - as an attempt to prevent a much larger crime, this protest is justified. Edinburgh students should be proud of Lily Kember."

Well this Edinburgh student is most certainly not proud of the behaviour of Lily and her hippy chums, and nor is TB alone: Alice Paisley a 4th year history student said “this was totally irresponsible, rash and certainly won’t help her cause.” 4th Year chemist Thomas MacThomas, asked by Tory Bear outside the library today what he thought simply added “what a pillock, has she never flown anywhere?”

Nick Ward, a leading figure in the University Labour Club said to TB: "Although I have nothing against the people doing it themselves I do believe they are misguided and possibly selfish. Politics is about winning people over to your cause and in a democracy that is best done through argument and debate not through acts of vandalism endangering people’s lives and inconveniencing hundreds of families. This is the equivalent of a huff by a 4 year old not the mature rational discussion of adults which might actually bring people around to your cause rather than alienating a great many." Ed Kozak Vice-Chairman of Edinburgh University Conservatives added: “The idea that Edinburgh University would let this completely unwarranted attack on property stand is worrying at best and darn right offensive at worst.”

In the words of Sir Alan Hasslehurst, the local MP in Essex: "You've now got two major parties saying that there should be no second runway at Stansted.  On the whole, I would have thought the argument was moving in the right direction.  There was no need for this.”

Donal Blaney, the Chief Executive of the Young Britons’ Foundation had some helpful advice for the likes of Lily Kember - "if only left-wing students spent half as much time on their degrees as they do on puerile gesture politics and unlawful protests then perhaps they'd get decent jobs when they graduated"

The fall out continues...

Regional Coordinators published:

TB is in out and about more on this later but here we go:

London – Clare Hilley

Eastern – Sonia Chohan

West Midlands – Jimmy McLoughlin

East Midlands – Hamish Stewart

North West England – Richard Lowe

North East England – Emma Carr

Yorkshire and the Humber – Philip Smith

South West England – James Morton

South East England – Ranil Jayawardena

North Wales – Paul Rogers

South Wales – Michael J Foreman

Caption Contest:

Can someone please fill TB in on what the hell is going on here:

Answers below please.

Lily Kember should face the music.

Reading the news this morning of yet another lot of hippies embarrassing themselves under the Plane Stupid banner, this time at Stansted, TB was in too much of a hurry to really give it much thought. It's only now that he has learnt that a fellow Edinburgh University student was at the forefront of this madness has his blood started to boil.Now don't get me wrong, Edinburgh has its weaknesses but on the whole you would expect a someone who attends the university to be of a decent intellectual standing and have a good education under their belt. Why then would fellow anthropology student

Lily Kember
feel it necessary to risk being shot under anti terrorist laws and waste millions of pounds of passenger money by being such a fool as to break into an airport and risk hundreds of lives blockading a runway.
Lily, believed to be one of the strange people pictured to the right, used bolt cutters to enter Standsted Airport tarmac this morning and ground all flights for a matter of hours. The chaos that ensued is widely
reported elsewhere
Now under the university rules there is a clause that any student can be removed for bringing "the university into disrepute". This all encompassing rule is normally used on rugby teams that trash night clubs or stoner kids dealing in student halls, however there is absolutely no doubt that Lily Kember has brought Edinburgh University into disrepute with her stupidity and naivety as well as her blatant disregard for the rule of law and respect for private business... This deluded hippy said today "Being arrested is a terrifying prospect, but not nearly as terrifying as the threat of climate change." Well that's all very well and a good but why not add the terrifying prospect of showing this idiot a dose of how the real world works and kicking her out before she can say "Save the planet." If Tory Bear were to be arrested for breaking and entering private property, endangering the lives of innocent bystanders and highlighting just what morons humans can be then he would expect to be shown the door.
Something tells TB though, given his dealings with the university before, especially departments like politics and anthropology that Lily Kember won't be kicked out, won't be reprimanded in any way and will no doubt be celebrated as a hero across campus.
What should happen is Lily and her fellow deluded gaggle of idiots should be charged with those crimes for which they were held, and then be personally made accountable for their actions by repaying each and every one of those passengers who had their flights cancelled. The likes of Ryan Air should not be liable for the huge financial loss they would have suffered this morning. Lily and her friends should face up to an alien concept to them, a little something called personal responsibility - something that most human beings possess yet seems to be massively lacking in this particular breed of insane, left-wing, dangerous, spiteful and deluded fools. When her and her cronies have spent the next ten years working full time to atone for their behaviour, only then will they realise who the plane stupid ones really are.

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Back to the Future...

It seems it wasn't just TB who had a busy weekend of working hard and playing hard. After the carnage of the Exeter Ball on Friday night it was straight back to work for the great and good of Conservative Future. After weeks of bashing out the selections for Regional Coordinators the list is set to be announced tomorrow. Seems the security around the final names is very tight though word from the South East is that the  speculation about Ranil Jayawardena being chosen will be confirmed. 

As for Tory Bear? Well he was campaigning hard in Perth yesterday and then a classic Saturday night out. Been a while since he has hit to town properly and couldn't help notice... is disco back? Seems to be everywhere again and TB can't help but ask, is this country returning to the 1970's? 
There is nationalisation left right and centre. We are in a recession and are over-taxed. We have a useless, chaotic and failing Labour government and disco is playing on a Saturday night.
Is this 1978?

Saturday, 6 December 2008

In Dave we trust...

Three years since DC took over...

Happy anniversary Dave..

Here's to three more.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Here we go again...

TB would rather chop of his right paw then sit through another one of these
Unless anyone is up for causing some trouble...?

There's a storm brewing...

Apologies for the lack of blogging today, TB has had a busy week and is taking it easy...

So after popping out for lunch with a friend TB decided to go for a wander and check out the new Blackberries and the Google phone. To cut a long story short after two hours cutting a fine deal with the salesman they both walked out of the shop as the proud owners of two new Blackberry Storms. 

Ahhh it's amazing.

Anyone want to buy TB's unlocked sim free old BB Curve before it hits ebay? £100 ono

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Tax Bombshell

have been given/acquired the 1992 Conservative campaign broadcast about Labour's tax bombshell...

It's well worth a watch:

Incidentally does anyone know how to turn off the irritating search feature YouTube seem to have put on their videos overnight? Ever since the Google takeover annoying changes have been slowly implemented like the tracking of what you watch and how you find videos on YouTube.

Why can't they just leave something that worked alone?

TB podcast

Here is another chance to listen to TB interviewed last night on Edinburgh radio, he played some political tunes and generally had a rant about Labour and a wide ranging chat about politics and music. TB really enjoyed himself.

Download the podcast and have a listen.

Would anyone listen if TB did a weekly broadcast?

What happened Mr Brown?

There's a fantastic piece in this morning's Telegraph:

"Setting out his new compact between the private citizen and the public realm last October, he urged constitutional reform enshrining "privacy in the home" and "new rights against arbitrary intrusion". British liberty was, he said, our "gift to the world". Alas, Speaker Martin and the constabulary appeared not to have read this oration, or the Magna Carta, or Milton, whose line from Paradise Lost - "If not equal all, then all equally free" - inspired Mr Brown. "

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

And the right wing blogosphere retaliates...

Brilliant retaliation just emailed to TB by UrbanAntichrist

Why... WHY?

Why must Gordon Brown ruin everything Tory Bear loves?

Mad Rush by Philip Glass is one of TB's favourite pieces of music and how dare Gordo use it in his latest video. Aside from him now ruining this forever, this video is a marked improvement in the drivel NO10 was putting out in the summer. Gordon is loving this recession, it plays to his strengths and dare TB say it... makes him able to look like a normal human being?
Gone is the Prime Mentalist stutter and the paedophile smile... Looks like the youtube war may just have kicked off...
Let the games begin, and please no more good tunes Mr Brown.

FreshAir - live blog

18.03 - in the studio and on air...

20 mix then Tory Bear

18.05 - Webcams aren't working but you can email with questions and banter... Tune in


18.18 - not allowed to swear apparently :S

- webcams back up
. Here we go...

18.26 - first track - maggies last party by vim

18.38 - slight technical difficulties but back on track now... Labour has done it again going out live.

18.48 - McCain is on.. still having some problems with the cd decks but getting there...

19.06 - ranting about Labour - appropriate tune now - N0 Government...

19.22 - anyone listening? TB is having fun.. talking about literally everything.. kind of moved away from the original topics but just layed into the SNP.

19.26 - Plugging Jamie De Rooy

19.38 - Eveeeerryboodysss frreeeeee

19.44 - that's it folks... will get the podcast up asap.

All we hear is radio ga ga...

TB is gearing up to go on
Fresh Air Radio
at six... Tune in to the Edinburgh Essentials program
. There will be half an hour or so of tunes and then an hour and half of TB talking to Edinburgh DJ Ally Byers. TB will be playing some political tunes and talking about dance music and politics.

You can even watch it on a webcam

Will try get a podcast up later if you can't tune in live.

Send your questions in to TB in the studio -

How to deal with the police. Lesson one:

TB had an interesting conversation with his flatmate (TBFM) while watching the Speaker squirm.

TB: Say the police turned up at this flat and said is XXXXX XXXX here please?
TBFM: Errr why?
TB: Well we are here to arrest him, can we come in?
TBFM: Do you have a warrant?
TB: Errrh no.
TBFM: Then piss off.

The Speaker must resign for failing to ask even the most simple of questions.

Foulkes talks nonsense...

Edinburgh University Rector candidate Lord Foulkes put up an embarrassing performance on Radio 4
this morning.
It seems he had drawn the short straw and is the last man on earth defending his old friend the Speaker. Foulkes even dared to suggest this could have been a national security issue. David Davis destroys him with some great slap downs.

Would be very interesting if these two did end up running against each other for Rector. 

Foulkes: "We're being friendly to each other" 
DD: "Relatively so..."

Hustings would be fantastic.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Green search footage released:

Things are warming up. Tory backbench heavyweights are all over the news today an will no doubt dominate the evening news and Newsnight. Michael Howard just gave a very precise and composed perfomance on Sky. The footage of the search of Green's office has been revealed and no doubt there is something very special planned for tomorrow...

Lets just say David Davis wouldn't put up with this.

Exclusive: News from the regions.

The announcement of the new Conservative Future regional coordinators has been delayed and the executive won't give anyone a squeak about who is on the exclusive list. However that doesn't seem to have stopped the whispers at the grassroots of who has been approached reaching TBHQ. Although there has been no official confirmation from any one on the NME or the Chairman, there is nothing like a sniff of a promotion to put the cat amongst the pigeons at a grass root level. People do love to gossip don't they...

So far Tory Bear has heard that the following candidates have been approached and apparently have accepted their new role as RC's:

James Morton for Devon and Cornwall. As previously reported after he was overheard talking about it.

Clare Hilley for London. Great news.

Jimmy McCloughlin for West Midlands. Will the chief whips son put a bit of stick about CF?

Paul Rogers for Wales. Is there anyone else?

There are also rumours around yet to be confirmed about Sonia Chohan being approached to take on Eastern England. Apparently former NME member (under Clarke,) Ranil Jayawardena is in line to take the South East.

Dammit that was the region TB wanted.

Did Hatty do the right thing?

The more this Bear looks at
this email
, the more he thinks it's just a little too convenient that it was "accidentally" CC'd to the office of a Tory frontbencher. Clearly the Labour great and good were intent on silencing their Speaker and making sure that they got their stories straight. Brown and Smith have been outrageously complacent about the arrest of Damian Green, yet it was Hatty Harperson who was expressing deep concern about the issue on Sunday. Lest we forget that before she became a politician Hatty was a civil rights lawyer, and a good one too apparently.

Did she have a crisis of conscious and deliberately let the Tories know what Smith and Brown were planning, knowing full well Dave and co would go mental?

TB would like to think so.

See no evil, hear no evil, say nothing.

Tory Bear is having a busy day but had time to flick through The Times at lunchtime. Normally
Rachel Sylvester's pieces
hit the spot but TB was quite shocked today to read of the likes of Sir Gus O'Donnell - the cabinet secretary taking the piss out of the Freedom of Information Act:

"Sir Gus jokes with investigative journalists at parties that it is his job to frustrate their inquiries; the Civil Service sees its role as to block any important requests, which means that only trivia (such as the guest lists for dinners at Chequers or the amount of money MPs claim on expenses) is revealed. “Most ministers think that the Freedom of Information Act is a joke and a waste of taxpayers' money,” says one government member. “It's killing the system.”"

Apparently government departments are in chaos trying to deal with FOI requests - “The whole thing has become a nightmare,” says one permanent secretary. “It is starting to hamper the way in which Government works.”

Well to TB that proves one very clear fact. If the state can't even keep track of what it is doing then it is too big. It's out of control - different arms not in communication with one another, burying deeper and deeper into our lives, rights and freedom. When anti-terrorist officers have access to MPs love letters, private property or opposition offices then the state has come to far. It is an overbearing beast that must be slain. If a government department has to spend hours working out what is going on in it's own office then that office is clearly out of control.

FOI is a blessing and should not be treated with such disgusting contempt by this morally bankrupt and corrupt Labour government.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Green Team...

You will have noticed the massive green ribbon on the right hand side this website. Following the trend set by the

Freedom Association
, Tory Bear is throwing his weight behind the real green team in showing his support for Damian.
Apparently MPs are planning on wearing green ribbons to show their support during the Queen's speech on Wednesday. If you have a blog or a website or even a facebook page then please add this ribbon to it.

Cheers to the TYC for getting this going.

Billy's back?

Check out

And even more intriguing check out who owns the site:

         William Hague Campaign

Registrant's address:

         William Hague Campaign

         House Of Commons


         SW1A 0AA


         Last updated:  02-May-2007

Well well well, what's all this about?
Hat-Tip - Total Politics

Blue rosettes and DJ sets II

Tory Bear will be going on Edinburgh radio this Wednesday evening to discuss dance music and its relationship with politics. He will put the link up to listen in live and try get a podcast of the interview. Although he has lots to say on the subject he is a little stuck on ideas of which tracks to choose.

Apart from this epic track, what other songs could/should he play?

A fashion must have it seems...

Today's Daily Express gossip column Hickey (not online,) describes parliamentary researchers sporting TB's must have Free Damian Green t-shirts:

Have you got yours

Pain in the RC..

It seems the sceduled announcement of the new Regional Coordinators will not be happening today.


Sunday, 30 November 2008

Tread on them.

TB sadly couldn't make it to the post Conservative Future Scotland Conference dinner last night where Annabelle Goldie spoke and is sore to have missed her laying into the Nats. Today's press release has possibly her best quote on the evils of Scottish nationalism yet:

“I have been growing increasingly angry at the party politicisation of Scotland’s national flag. As a proud and patriotic Scot I wish to make today the day when we reclaim the Saltire from the SNP and give it back to Scotland, all of Scotland.

I was struck how, during the recent by-elections, the SNP wandered around shopping centres, stood at street corners handing out the Saltire as if they owned the flag, as if it was their exclusive property, as if they had a monopoly on the Saltire and it was their symbol.

Well let me say this loud and clear: The Saltire is our national flag of Scotland - not the SNP nationalist flag. It is a symbol of patriotism, not partition. It is the property of us all, not the campaigning prop of one party.”

Hear Hear...
For an example of exactly how this SNP "government" is corrupting the image of Scotland then look no further than the driffle that has dominated every advert break this weekend up here: 


He doesn't sleep, he waits.

Over the last few days there has been one backbencher who has excelled even his Shadow Cabinet seniors in articulating the outrage felt in the Conservatives, the Commons and the wider world at the shameful arrest and detention of a Member of Parliament. 

This man had dominated the television news coverage all weekend, expressing his support for his successor. The going is getting tough now for the Tories. Not only are they fighting a political party, but now they are fighting the entire might of a corrupt regime. A regime that uses the police to stamp out opposition.
When the going gets tough there is only one man who the Conservatives need back at the centre of their team.

He's a man that could strangle you with a cordless phone...

A man who doesn't read books, merely staring at them until he gets all the information he needs...

A man who can slam a revolving door...

A man who doesn't wear a watch because he decides what time it is...

The reason Wally is hiding...

The person the bogey man checks under his bed for...

It's time to bring back David Davis.

More inbox amusement...

Catching up on a few days worth of emails sent to TB. Someone sent in the keenest CFer Tory Bear has probably ever seen:

Who is this mysterious painted lady?

19 year old PPC

ConHome is
that 19 year old Nick Varley has been selected to fight the Labour City of Durham seat. Although he would require a 30% swing it's still a fantastic achievment for someone so young to have even made it to through the selection.

Congratulations to Nick.

Not in my name...

This just pinged into my inbox:

Spread it around!

Tonight Matthew ...TB is going to be...

Michael Rock...

That's right kids, for one night only Tory Bear was the Chairman of Conservative Future. Well sort of. It was that time of year again, the winter closing in, the north wind blowing and essays due - it could mean only one thing - a random trek across Scotland for the Conservative Future Scotland conference. Luckily this year it was in the slightly closer and genteel surrounding of St Andrews. A fine array of MSPs and PPCs turned up and so did CFUK national campaigns coordinator Patrick Sullivan. However after a slight glitch in getting a video message sent up from London it fell to Tory Bear to fill in for the big man and what a power trip it was...

Michael Bear officially announced the closing down of CFS and merging it with the CFUK. A complete withdrawal from the NUS and installed himself as chairman for life.

TB was very tempted! No in fact the question and answer session generated some interesting points that he will be sending on to Michael, especially about the NUS which, as ever, got people talking.

Patrick Sullivan entertained with accounts of by-elections, Boris and an insight into the Student Life tours and continued where TB had left off about strengthening the relationship between the two CFs.

All in all it was a good day, a marked improvement on last year and an increase in the numbers...

Friday, 28 November 2008

New t-shirt...

Lefties have always had cooler t-shirts but now it's our turn to protest something. 

Under a tenner from

Freedom isn't Free

TB is still fairly gobsmacked by the Damian Green arrest so will leave it to DC with his greatest quote yet...

Image by 

Rant brewing...


The Guardian have

to the Tory Bear George Osborne trance remix: 

"Here are four words you probably never thought you'd see in the same sentence: "George Osborne trance remix".

Yes, that's George, Osborne, trance and remix.

And it really does mean what it says on the tin: this video features the shadow chancellor's response to the pre-budget report overlaid with a bangin' dance soundtrack.

This deeply strange true blue mash-up comes courtesy of the Tory Bear blog.

Big shout out to the Tory massive."


Thursday, 27 November 2008

SirAlan vs BoJo

Alan Sugar's first move in  an attempt to become the Labour candidate for London Mayor in 2012?

He is apparently going to be fronting a government campaign to get more people into apprenticeships. While TB doesn't dispute that this is a good move and the sort of thing the government should be doing, he can't help think the Sugar part is slightly suspect. While no mention is made of whether he is being paid, Sugar is clearly cosying up to the Labour hierarchy...

TB can't see why, at this rate for Sugar to attempt to join the dying days of New Labour, would be like getting a last minute ticket on the Titanic. People love to hate him but Sugar is a bright guy and sharp. It would be an interesting fight with Boris but TB suspects the national swing in 2012 will still be in our favour, if everything goes to plan with a 2010 election.

BoJo shouldn't be too worried at this point.

Looks like Guido had a good day...

More on the "Save the Pub" campaign

Facebook, Ferrets and Scotland

Many members of CF have often wondered who Anastasia Beaumont-Bott's mystical shadow cabinet contacts were when she discusses the importance of this or that project and how the order had come from the lips of Dave the Golden One himself. Well it now it seems she does indeed have friends in high places, even if they do gently mock her:

Joking apart as Shane Greer, that guy off the telly,
it's good to see politicians actually using things like Facebook properly rather than having a stale and out of date Facebook page set up by their researcher who probably went back to university after that two week internship.

As for ABB, well TB is hoping he will once again bump into her at the Conservative Future Scotland Conference this Saturday in St Andrews. He promises not to give the now infamous "ferrets in a sack" speech again, if she promises not to throw things at him like last year. 

Anyone interested in coming up for the event can find details

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Oh darling...

This is pure speculation but well worth a read.

Dolly digs in...

The effect of Derek Draper on the interweb has been noted
today, but TB has spotted a rather irratating reminder slightly closer to home.  The GoogleAds on the right hand side of are now being flooded by Labour Party attack ads. They are cleverely tagged as conservative ads and are cropping up all over right wing blogs purely because of what is discussed on them.

Does anyone know how TB can stop this?

Peston Peston Peston...

Robert Peston seemed close to tears this evening on the Six O'Clock News on the BBC. He kept pausing, looking down and seemed close to tears - "For those of us who grew up on pick n'mix, this is a very sad day." Tory Bear doesn't recall him being so upset when announcing Citygroup job losses, in fact he was positively revelling in it. He stated that thousands of Woolworths job losses will effect the "real" people rather than mythical fat cat bankers.

News channels are now discussing the prospect nationalising shops! How anyone has the audacity to suggest that peoples money they wouldn't choose to spend in Woolworths should be used to bail it out is frankly insane. While it is sad to see it go under, at the end of the day Woolworths had a bad business model. While the sun was shining on the credit market it was ok because they could borrow the money to hide their losses. In the cruel darkness of a recession relying on people to pop in for the odd sweet, Halloween costume, straight to DVD movie or even a broom isn't exactly the most watertight of plans and the government, all be it with a heavy heart, no doubt have fairly said no to any financial aid for Woolies.

Hat-Tip to the Silver-Fox for the heads up.

The value of money...

How ironic that the store that is famed for selling its wares for pennies will now
be sold for the measly sum of £1. A sad day when Woolworths disappears. 

Something tells TB that this national institution won't be the only casualty to this recession.

Just incase you missed it...

Good on yesterday's Times for sticking it to Brown with this wounding cartoon on the front page:

Lovely tie darling...

has spotted an interesting wardrobe point about our esteemed Chancellor...

Has he been cashing in on the recession inspired price slashing on the High Street?

Seems so...

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Brown cancels Christmas

Over at
it is being reported that there will be no CF Christmas Party this year. Traditionally the scene of much debauchery and drunkenness this event will be sorely missed. Seems Guido will have to look elsewhere for this year's Christmas tottywatch too. Without a CF election anytime soon there will be no opportunity for pissed up hacks to buy votes with their cards behind the bar or for London Transport Police to wake up an anonymous CFer who was found, full of brandy, asleep outside Westminster tube like last year. In these times of economic difficulty TB can imagine how the thinking goes - drunk CFers + camera = tabloids, but it's not as if we didn't prove ourselves capable of behaving at conference. Absolutely no complacency there. None whatsoever. Move along people, nothing to see here.

Looks like TB will just have to go to Stringfellows with the YBF posse instead. Oh well.

UPDATE: 22.00 - the CF press machine never sleeps. Just heard that there will be a Christmas Party after all. Probably a Festive Season Celebration no doubt but a lash up is on the cards all the same.

Labour have done it again - the remix

Apologies for the light blogging today, here's why:

Osborne sticking it to Labour and a bit of trance... spread it around!

Just what you need for an idle Tuesday night.

What we should be doing...

As the dust settled after yesterdays PBR... Conservative Future hit the street. All major cities were covered, as were the main railway routes out of London. Once again CF has proven to truely be the ground army of the party...

More of this, less bitching please.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Wicked whispers...

In recent weeks with the Mandy come back, the NuLabour boyz have been back at the helm of the sinking Brown ship... Interesting to note then that Ed Balls' usual posistion next to the PM at these sorts of speeches has been usurped by ultra-Blarite James Purnell who whispered to Gordon throughout George Osborne's speech.
See for yourself